Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ladies and Gentleman... Season Eight

Hah! I don't quite believe it. This is the beginnig of my eighth year. Seems like yesterday. I'm still standin. Must be livin right.

Well, the heated prop table is full with newly sown flats of assorted varieties once again. It's taken about a week for the first emergence to occur. Off to an earlier start this year. No particular reason other than just feeling like it's time. we've had some really nice spring like days intermixed with lots of plain old PNW dreariness. The sun's tracking higher in the sky each day and the days are a minute longer. I can really notice the difference in he greenhouse that sets at the southern border of the farm. It rarely see's full sun in the winter as it is shaded by the fir trees to the south. About this time of year it starts to get a little more sun each day. I just sowed a couple of the beds in there yesterday with an asian salad mix. Sure feels good. I say it every year, It's just magic to be in the greenhouse's at this time of year. It's almost like sacred space (geez) Rainy, cold and windy outside. Dry, balmy and calm on the inside.

I'l be in there again today sowing another round of flats. Lettuce, broccoli raab, choi, onions and maybe a few other things. Perhaps a litle groundwork as well. We'll see. I've got to make firewood first.

Life is good

Farmer John

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